Friday, 28 October 2011

Visual stimulation: not just a guy thing

So yesterday evening, I had my second visit from Mr. Maybe.

Okay, let’s not call him Mr. Maybe anymore. After all, that so went out the window the minute he lowered his sexy mouth onto me at the dam the other day.  What to rename him? Well, he has a certain tattoo on his chest and because of what it is and because of the way he is built (big, strong, but slightly chunky), lets call him The Bull (not very subtle I know, but it’s the best I can come up with at 2 a.m.).

And this time, he so didn’t lie. The first time, he promised me that I would hardly be able to walk when he was done with me. Not so. I could walk just fine. But today? Let’s just say it hurts like hell on the insides of my thighs when I try to dance or do stretches.

But I discovered something quite incredible since meeting up with The Bull: having a lover is amazing in that there are none of the normal constraints of a conventional relationship. I don’t have to worry about him respecting me or even liking me. So I can be as dirty and twisted in the bedroom as I want. I could play out my wildest fantasies and there is no way he will judge me. Worship me, more like it! And hopefully also get off even more courtesy of my twisted hidden desires! It is so uninhibiting!

Not that I have gotten to that point, mind you. But just the realization, that’s good enough for me right now.

Last night was so good. We were in the bedroom and there is a huge mirror next to my bed so if I looked over, I could see everything. I didn't want to blatantly stare so just a glimpse at our reflections here and there - tres sexy!

But something was missing … I didn’t look exactly like the dirty mistress. I looked like me, just a bit more flushed and mussed up than normal.

I must get some dirty, sexy lingerie now. I did log onto Victoria’s Secret yesterday. OMG. Those girls are so hot!

Hmmmm, perhaps time to get a job so I can start using my credit card again.


“Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite 
to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.”

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