Sunday, 30 October 2011

I'm attracted to you. Are you attracted to me?

Today when I opened my Inbox on TSS, I found this message from Donavin, 35:
SUBJECT: Contact me

I'm attracted to you. Are you attracted to me?
Wildly, Donavin with an ‘i’. Wildly! Hold me back. I can barely contain my attraction! I will contact you right now this very instant.

Seriously? I mean seriously? DonavIn has only a picture of my toes and one of my upper (nose to belly button) bikini-clad torso to go on when it comes to gauging his attraction to me. And his photo could be anyone really. He is standing next to a fishing boat. And you can see more of the boat than him in the photo. Is he perhaps secretly hoping that I have a penchant for men with boats? Who the hell knows? Maybe this line's worked for him before.

I honestly don't know. Why am I even trying to figure it out?

My head hurts.

Oh well. Good to know that there are others out there who have a harder time than me with this whole online hook-up thing. Like I just read this pretty hysterical take on meeting people online in Dave's blog in Australia: Internet Dating on the Dole.

Have a read. I giggled throughout.

And Tip #07 (Profile Photos Should Frame the Face in a Natural Demeanour) from Dave certainly gave me such a simple yet brilliant summary of what Donavin's profile shot might be all about:

"... the holiday photo capturing an adventurous or spontaneous spirit, but taken from across the road ... or obscured by extreme clothing and a safety helmet ... because of distance, you could be suggesting, ‘I look like a minga but I’m fucking fit.’ "
So maybe its as simple as that: Donavin is a total minga ... but fucking fit. 

It really is so good I just have to reblog a few more of his thoughts on profile pics here in case you don't read the entire post:

"I was initially shocked by the general lack of concern about appearance on internet dating sites. Part of me was quietly impressed by this. In a world of narcissism, Photoshop, digital filters, cosmetics and fashion; where much of what surrounds us is not what it seems, it was a pleasant surprise. 

... I wondered if there was an unspoken directive by the majority of the Internet dating community to retain truthful representations to avoid future disappointments ... Or perhaps people just didn’t give a shit, because so many chicks’ photo galleries exhibited an array of bad or unhelpful pictures. 

Some women have simply stood in from of a mirror with a digital camera. I mean just because you’re out of love doesn’t mean you should suggest you’re out of friends as well. Even if you are, digital cameras have timers. And there is plenty household furniture to place a camera on for an authentic mise-en-scéne image. 
Equally tragic are profiles that think more is better and photo galleries inevitably reach the clubbing snap where the offender is clearly boiled and wrapped around a bottle of booze with one eye gone to the shops while the other one is left waiting. 
I don’t mean to sound hypocritical. I love a bloody drink ... but there are possibly more charming ways than a greased up mobile phone photo to express how much you enjoy life." 
Oh wow! He does have a way with words. I shouldn't reblog his stuff anymore. I feel rather inferior by comparison.

I'm going drinking now. I think I need it.


"I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies: two seemingly different 
ideas that might just be perfect together — like chocolate and peanut butter."

Carrie Bradshaw, SATC

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