Wednesday, 29 May 2013

That awkward moment when you bump into some one you actually know

I was waiting for this moment sooner or later. But I was hoping deep down it would never happen.

So I received one awesome reply to my latest Dear Diary post:


Your latest diary entry had me in stitches!!!

 You sound like you have not wandered the landmine that is online dating hookups for overly long so I Just thought I'd ease you into it. I'm responding to your points below: 

1) The sites are definitely linked so I always chuckle when I see women's profile and they're looking for a soul mate... it will just end in tears... I think you can disable that feature in your profile settings, failing which, the Admins can help you. 

2) No sex offenders list available to cross check with. 

3) We all get our thrills in different ways, and there are women who will happy sext me ad nauseam... I'd call them technophiles though. Not technophobes. 

4) If a guy doesn't get how to charm a woman in real life, it will translate to the same online, usually. 

5) We all have differing levels of maturity...
Oh, the wit, the wisdom, the succinct nature of it all. I could very well have found my match.

The problem? I know this person. Yup. Like KNOW-know him, call him a friend, have his number on speed dial when I am in Cape Town, that kind of thing.

Pause for: awkward silence.

I mean, as much as I want to answer him and get more advice … I do that in real life anyway, and … okay, I admit, I am a total coward. I don’t want my Super Secret Sexy Alter Ego to be discovered by anyone in my “real” life.

Oh well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. And I guess it could have been a whole lot worse. I could have received a message from some one I know in real life that was a whole lot more X-Rated than this!

Guess I have to be grateful for small blessings!

"I'm too shy to express my sexual needs except over the phone to 
people I don't know. "
Garry Shandling


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