Wednesday 21 September 2011

When does tease become cock tease?

Am I being too big a tease now?

Hmmmm, I was thinking: “Am I a Class-A cock tease for stringing Mr. Maybe along for such a long time now?”

I must admit I am so tempted to meet him. Yet, at the same time, this teasing is getting rather hot! And yes, I am also digging my heels in because, as sexy as he is, I have not forgotten that he is married.  Anyway, this weekend might be the one where I get to meet up with The Surfer (hot, fit body, single, well-travelled … sounds almost too good to be true, hey? Wonder what the catch is) who sent me this email today:
“I still wanna meet up with you and have some drinks, smoke a fatty, and maybe satisfy all your womanly needs …”
So, if I can just hold out a couple more days for The Surfer, I can avoid becoming a Dirty Mistress!

Over breakfast today, I was flipping through this book on seduction I bought a while ago (little did I know then how very insightful it would prove to be in only a few short months!) and read this very informative – among many – piece:

People are inherently perverse. An easy conquest has a lower value than a difficult one; we are only really excited by what is denied us, by what we cannot possess in full. Your greatest power in seduction is your ability to turn away, to make others come after you, delaying their satisfaction. Most people miscalculate and surrender too soon, worried that the other person will lose interest, or that giving the other what he or she wants will grant the giver a kind of power. The truth is the opposite: once you satisfy some one, you no longer have the initiative, and you open yourself to the possibility that he or she will lose interest at the slightest whim. Remember: vanity is critical in love. Make your targets afraid that you may be withdrawing, that you may not really be interested, and you arose their innate insecurity, their fear that as you have gotten to know them they have become less exciting to you. These insecurities are devastating. Then, once you have made them uncertain of you and of themselves, reignite their hope, making them feel desired again. Hot and cold, hot and cold – such coquetry is perversely pleasurable, heightening interest and keeping the initiative on your side. Never be put off by your target’s anger; it is a sure sign of enslavement.

Hmmm … good to know! And this satisfies my question about being too much of a tease. In a nutshell: maybe all this maybe business with Mr. Maybe is a very good thing.

I hear you going “WTF? She doesn’t NEED to seduce him. It’s in the bag, chick! This IS an online hook-up site you met on after all!”

But dear reader, it is such fun to play a little rather than going straight for the kill …

And its all semantics really: meeting and chatting over drinks OR meeting and chatting over an email; semi-naked strutting around like a peacock in a club OR semi-naked photos over the Internet; followed by revealing your potential desire for the other person and heavy petting in the parking lot OR by revealing your potential desire for the other person in an email and phone sex. 

And the grand finale, Ladies and Gentlemen (in both scenarios): full-on sex.

So, the way I see it, I AM actually following the old dating ritual / game / dance … Just to a slightly different beat, that’s all!


Many men like to pursue an elusive woman, like a cake of wet soap in a bathtub.

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